21、hold one's breath/out of breath 摒住呼吸/上气不接下气
22、bring about/bring up 导致,使发作/抚育长大
23、burst into tears/laughters 俄然大哭/大笑
24、burst out crying/laughing 俄然大哭/大笑
25、call at sp/call on sb/call up/call off/call out to/call for/call on sb to do 访问某地/访问或人/打电话/撤销/大喊/叫来/召唤或人做某事
26、carry out/work out/point out/find out 实现/做出/指出/查明
27、catch up with sb/keep up with sb/put up with sb 赶上或人/跟上或人/忍受或人
28、change sth into sth/exchange sth for sth 把……变成/交换
eg:Can you change this note into coins你能把这张纸币换成硬币吗
eg:May I exchange this book for your new pen我能用这本书换你的新笔吗
29、come into being/come to oneself 构成/康复认识
eg:The new system came into being in the late 19th century.这种新体制在十九世纪后期开始构成。
30、have sth in common with sb 和或人有共同点
eg:The twins have a lot of things in common with each other.孪生姐妹
31、congratulate sb on sth/doing sth 祝贺或人某事
32、be regarded/thought of/considered as 被认为,被当成
33、be content/satisfied/pleased with 对……感到满足
34、encourage sb to do sth/encourage sb in sth 鼓舞或人做某事
eg:He always encourages me to work hard.他老是鼓舞我要努力工作。
eg:He always encourages me in my study.他老是在我的英语上给我鼓舞。
35、be covered with 被……覆盖
36、deal with/do with/handle 处理,处理
37、be determined to do sth/make up one's mind to do 下定决心做某事
38、to some degree/to some extent/in a way 从某种程度上来说
39、put off…until/delay 推延
eg:The sport meeting has been put off until next Friday.运动会现已被推延到下周五。
40、take delight in sth/doing sth 取悦于做某事
eg:One should not take delight in making fun of others.人不能以嘲笑他人为乐。
本文标签:河南成考 英语 2023年成考专升本英语常用词组(二)